Finally, the book I started in June 2017 is in my hands. I couldn’t have done it without the backers of the campaign. I am deeply grateful to them. For the next few weeks I will be working hard on all those sketches so that backers can get them as fast as possible. When the dust settles I’il be able to sell copies on this site, in case you missed out on the campaign.

I am also preparing myself for the Montreal Comic arts festival. I will be there for three days, from May 24 to 26. I hope to see some of you there!

In other news, the script for chapter 6 is ready to be storyboarded. However before I start on that I need to finish a small 6 pages story for an upcoming anthology project. You can view the work in progress on Instagram.

That’s about it for the news. I hope you all are well. I am going camping with the family and some friends in late July, I am looking forward to that! Do you have any big summer projects?

Take care!