Can you believe this site has been online for 2 years? So much has happened since then. I published the first book of TFTI and the second is well underway. I’ve met terrific people and made new friends.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your support during these years. I truly wish I could update more often, but I keep at it, slowly but surely.

In other news, chapter 5 is coming along nicely. That means that pre-orders for the next book will begin pretty soon! They should start mid-march. Don’t miss out on the chance to be benefit from the early backer package. It will only be available for the first 24hrs. As soon as I have a date I will post it here and on social media.

I know there are a lot of silent readers here, I’d love to hear from all of you. Where are you from? What kind of comics do you read? What drew you here? How long have you been following the story?