Happy hump day!

Here’s the answer to last week trivia. The chest burster scene was thought of by Dan O’Bannon. He got the idea because he was suffering from Cron’s disease. If you don’t know Dan O’Bannon, I encourage you to learn more about him, I have a lot of admiration for him. He worked on such films as Dark Star, Alien, Star Wars (not sure which) and he directed Return of the living dead, one of my all time favorite zombie movies!

Another great interest of mine is toy collecting. I specifically collect Transformers. So I added a few on this page. Can you name them?

We’ve reached the half point of the comic, like it so far?

Also I’ve just opened a Discord channel for the comic, you’re welcome to come have a chat about most anything 🙂

Not too sure on how to promote it yet. Just trying stuff.

Roll out!

Heads up! I will raising the price of my books in 2020. Place an order before December 30th if you want to benefit from 2019 prices. 

Tales from the Interface 1&2 Print Bundle